The Back-story of: “The Sad Ballerina”

The kid could not have been older than five; I had been watching him for a few minutes

while having lunch. If he had been my brother, my mom would not have let him grow his hair that long, but then again she would never have him beg and sell candy on the streets. 

The kid begged the busy passing strangers on the street to buy his merchandise , and wished them good things. He recited one or two lines, rarely changing the words; they are clearly taught and pre-rehearsed many times. Mostly they ignored him, few spared him some change.

Then a 4×4  parks right next to the young beggar and a family comes out. As the father exits the car, he automatically goes for the back door to pick up a child not younger than the ghost of a child watching them go by.

It was a heartbreaking thing to see. The uncared, dirty, street urchin looking at his feet, while a family passes him by, carrying and taking care of their children.

I bought this boy food and he gulped it down like he was famished. I helped him once and never saw him again.

I wish this boy knew I made him the hero of my book, and even though I know this will not do him much good,  I just wanted to always remember him.

I didn’t know his name, so i did not give names to any of the characters in the story, but I drew him with similar features and made him courageous and responsible. Able to takecare of himself and others. He is even the key which helps the ballerina find happiness.

So my latest book is for him and all children who are living lives where they are uncared for. I just thought I’d share a little backstory about the Sad Ballerina. I enjoy it when writers do that.

I haven’t been much active lately on my blog, but i promise from now on to be much more active, especially now that i have finished my latest ibook “The Sad Ballerina.”   (
